
We hope you find these publications useful to answer your clay drainage system questions.

CPDA TN1 - Laying pipes in soft ground CPDA TN2 - Laying Pipes in waterlogged ground (TN3) Pipes passing through structures (TN4) Concrete bedding to pipes

Laying pipes in soft ground


Laying pipes in waterlogged ground


Pipes passing through structures


Concrete bedding to pipes

(TN5) Pipelines under buildings (TN6) Laying pipes at shallow depths (TN7) Laying vitrified clay pipes on recycled material TN8 - CPDA-Bedding-construction-and-flow-capacity-of-vitrified-c

Pipelines under buildings


Laying pipes at shallow depths


Laying vitrified clay pipes on
recycled material


Bedding construction and flow
capacity of vitrified clay pipelines

(TN10) The problem of Hydrogen Sulphide in sewers (TN11) The environmental aspects of clay drainage systems (TN12) The specification, design and
construction of drainage and sewerage systems using vitrified clay pipes



The problem of Hydrogen
Sulphide in sewers


The environmental aspects
of clay drainage systems


The specification, design
and construction of drainage and
sewerage systems using
vitrified clay pipes

BRE-Digest-4331-1 CERAM-research-paper-815-19992-1
BRE Digest 433

Recycles Aggregates

Research Paper 815

Use of Recycled Aggregates
as Clay Pipe bedding